Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Few Definitions

A Terminology Primer

ANT Automatic Negative Thought
(cognitive therapy per Dr. Amen)
autonomy The state of self governing or self management, independent of others
Botkin Syndrome
(a term that was abandoned in Feb 2019 at the request of the daughters of Geoffrey Botkin)
The dysfunctional dynamics and long-term effects of the teachings of the Botkin Sisters and Vision Forum (Covert/emotional incest, non-sexual but gender related incest intermingled with the the teachings of patriarchy/patriocentricity)
boundaries The border or limit in a relationship where one person stops and another person begins. (That which defines a person's autonomy.) A lack of defined, established or defended boundaries causes dysfunctional relationships that result in emotional, psychological and relationship problems.
Chosen Child Dr. Patricia Love's term for a child of covert (emotional/non-sexual) incest
cognitive behavioral therapy Therapy to teach emotional control through correct thinking
Cognitive Thinking function of the brain
dysfunctional family roles enabler (caretaker), hero (good child), lost child, mascot (comedian), mastermind (manipulative child), scapegoat (problem child)
EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (therapy)
enmeshment In terms of Botkin Syndrome, describes the relationship between an adult and child wherein the adult uses the child to satisfy his/her adult needs
  • covert
  • overt
As related to Botkin Syndrome, incest is the using of one family member (generally an adult) in an inappropriate way to meet needs at the expense of the other party.
(Does not always refer to sexual violation.)

  • Covert: Use of a child by a parent (or sibling) to meet adult needs (non-sexual emotional, psychological or religious)
  • Overt: sexual violation
Intimacy Close acquaintance, association or familiarity (apart from sexual intimacy; need not imply sexual intimacy)
Love Addiction Pia Mellody's term for an unhealthy pattern in relationships wherein the addicted person resists emotional intimacy through fantasy but craves love, attention and care from an objectified partner.
Love Avoidance Pia Mellody's term for an unhealthy pattern in relationships wherein the avoidant person resists emotional intimacy through caretaking or rescuing their objectified partner.
objectify (objectification) To view or treat a person as an object by failing to recognize or appreciate the full value and essence of someone's personhood or humanity
personality disorder A clinical term for a consistent/sustained pattern of behavior stemming from a person's personality traits
self-injury A compulsive behavior such as cutting, picking skin, pulling hair, interfering with wound healing. Reduces anxiety by stimulating the production of endorphins and is often a symptom of unresolved, chronic trauma and Borderline Personality Disorder.
sexualize (sexualizing) To attribute sexual characteristics and qualities to things that are not sexual in nature. To see all things in terms of sex or gender
shame-existence bind Guilt and discomfort experienced by both children and adult children of enmeshment over having needs that must be met. Guilt induced by chronic feelings of worthlessness learned in dysfunctional, shame-based relationships.
surrogate One thing or person that takes the place of another. In terms of Botkin Syndrome, refers to family members replacing the role and function other more appropriate family members for the purpose of meeting basic human needs (can include basic physical, emotional, psychological, religious or sexual needs)
therapy Psychotherapy (treatment of psycho-social conditions through various modalities such as family, cognitive-behavioral, EMDR or other therapy to improve mental health and function